Complete Assam History GK অসম বুৰঞ্জী MCQ-03

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Ancient To Modern Complete Assam History

1. Asura Kingdom (Sonitpura Kingdom) was established by-

অসুৰ ৰাজ্য (শোণিতপুৰ ৰাজ্য) কাৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰা হৈছিল

A. Bhishmaka
B. Narakasur
C. Bhagadatta
D. Marichi

Ans :- D. Marichi


2. Who was the contemporary of Narakasur in the middle Assam ?

মধ্য অসমত নৰকাসুৰৰ সমসাময়িক কোন আছিল ?
A. Pushy Varman
B. Salastambha
C. Bhagadatta
D. Banasur

Ans :- D. Banasur


3. Sonitpur was the Capital of which king ?

শোণিতপুৰ কোন ৰজাৰ ৰাজধানী আছিল
A. Narakasura
B. Bana Raja
C. Mahiranga Danava
D. BhaskarVarman

Ans :- B. Bana Raja


4. The father of Bana Raja was :

বাণ (বানাসুৰ) ৰ পিতৃ আছিল
A. Bali
B. Prahlad
C. Hiranyak
D. Bhishmaka

Ans :- A. Bali


5. Tezpur was ruled by which of the following king when Shri Krishna came for the rescue of his grandson Anirudha ?

যেতিয়া শ্ৰী কৃষ্ণই তেওঁৰ নাতি অনিৰুদ্ধক উদ্ধাৰ কৰিবলৈ আহিছিল তেতিয়া নিম্নলিখিত কোন ৰজাই তেজপুৰ শাসন কৰিছিল
A. Bhismaka
B. Brajadutta
C. Bana Raja
D. Narakasura

Ans :- C. Bana Raja


6. One of the following books is the most important literary Source for the study of early history of Assam. Which is the book ? (APSC Prelims 2001)

A. The Mahabharata
B. The Harshacharita
C.The Kalika Purana
D. The Arthashashtra

Ans :- C. The Kalika Purana


7. The earliest King of Assam was :

A. Mahiranga Danava
B. Narakasura
C. BhaskaraVarman
D. Naranarayana

Ans:- A. Mahiranga Danava


8. The earliest historical Dynasty of Assam was that of the : (APSC Prelims 2011)

A. Palas
B. Varmans
C. Narakas
D. Salastambhas

Ans :- B. Varmans


9. The Buranjis are : (APSC Prelims 2013)

A. Autobiographical writings of the Ahom rules
B. Diaries written by the monarchs
C. Chronicles
D. None of the above

Ans :- C. Chronicles


10. In Which Century the ancient era of Assam began ?

কোন শতিকাত অসমৰ প্ৰাচীন যুগ আৰম্ভ হৈছিল
A. 3rd Century
B. 5th Century
C. 1st Century
D. 4th Century

Ans :- D. 4th Century 

Complete Assam History Mock Test - 03

History is the study of the past. Events, peoples, cultures and human behaviour are studied by historians.


1 / 10

The earliest historical Dynasty of Assam was that of the : (APSC Prelims 2011)

2 / 10

Tezpur was ruled by which of the following king when Shri Krishna came for the rescue of his grandson Anirudha ?

যেতিয়া শ্ৰী কৃষ্ণই তেওঁৰ নাতি অনিৰুদ্ধক উদ্ধাৰ কৰিবলৈ আহিছিল তেতিয়া নিম্নলিখিত কোন ৰজাই তেজপুৰ শাসন কৰিছিল

3 / 10

The earliest King of Assam was :

4 / 10

Who was the contemporary of Narakasur in the middle Assam ?

মধ্য অসমত নৰকাসুৰৰ সমসাময়িক কোন আছিল ?

5 / 10

In Which Century the ancient era of Assam began ?

কোন শতিকাত অসমৰ প্ৰাচীন যুগ আৰম্ভ হৈছিল

6 / 10

One of the following books is the most important literary Source for the study of early history of Assam. Which is the book ? (APSC Prelims 2001)

7 / 10

The Buranjis are : (APSC Prelims 2013)

8 / 10

Sonitpur was the Capital of which king ?

শোণিতপুৰ কোন ৰজাৰ ৰাজধানী আছিল

9 / 10

Asura Kingdom (Sonitpura Kingdom) was established by-

অসুৰ ৰাজ্য (শোণিতপুৰ ৰাজ্য) কাৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰা হৈছিল

10 / 10

The father of Bana Raja was :

বাণ (বানাসুৰ) ৰ পিতৃ আছিল

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1. Asura Kingdom (Sonitpura Kingdom) was established by-

অসুৰ ৰাজ্য (শোণিতপুৰ ৰাজ্য) কাৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰা হৈছিল

A. Bhishmaka
B. Narakasur
C. Bhagadatta
D. Marichi

Ans :- D. Marichi


2. Who was the contemporary of Narakasur in the middle Assam ?

মধ্য অসমত নৰকাসুৰৰ সমসাময়িক কোন আছিল ?
A. Pushy Varman
B. Salastambha
C. Bhagadatta
D. Banasur

Ans :- D. Banasur


3. Sonitpur was the Capital of which king ?

শোণিতপুৰ কোন ৰজাৰ ৰাজধানী আছিল
A. Narakasura
B. Bana Raja
C. Mahiranga Danava
D. BhaskarVarman

Ans :- B. Bana Raja


4. The father of Bana Raja was :

বাণ (বানাসুৰ) ৰ পিতৃ আছিল
A. Bali
B. Prahlad
C. Hiranyak
D. Bhishmaka

Ans :- A. Bali


5. Tezpur was ruled by which of the following king when Shri Krishna came for the rescue of his grandson Anirudha ?

যেতিয়া শ্ৰী কৃষ্ণই তেওঁৰ নাতি অনিৰুদ্ধক উদ্ধাৰ কৰিবলৈ আহিছিল তেতিয়া নিম্নলিখিত কোন ৰজাই তেজপুৰ শাসন কৰিছিল
A. Bhismaka
B. Brajadutta
C. Bana Raja
D. Narakasura

Ans :- C. Bana Raja


6. One of the following books is the most important literary Source for the study of early history of Assam. Which is the book ? (APSC Prelims 2001)

A. The Mahabharata
B. The Harshacharita
C.The Kalika Purana
D. The Arthashashtra

Ans :- C. The Kalika Purana


7. The earliest King of Assam was :

A. Mahiranga Danava
B. Narakasura
C. BhaskaraVarman
D. Naranarayana

Ans:- A. Mahiranga Danava


8. The earliest historical Dynasty of Assam was that of the : (APSC Prelims 2011)

A. Palas
B. Varmans
C. Narakas
D. Salastambhas

Ans :- B. Varmans


9. The Buranjis are : (APSC Prelims 2013)

A. Autobiographical writings of the Ahom rules
B. Diaries written by the monarchs
C. Chronicles
D. None of the above

Ans :- C. Chronicles


10. In Which Century the ancient era of Assam began ?

কোন শতিকাত অসমৰ প্ৰাচীন যুগ আৰম্ভ হৈছিল
A. 3rd Century
B. 5th Century
C. 1st Century
D. 4th Century

Ans :- D. 4th Century 

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