Complete Assam History GK অসম বুৰঞ্জী MCQ-08

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Ancient To Modern Complete Assam History

1. Which of the following is the only kamarupa Dynasty inscription that distinguishes between the B(ব) and V ( ৱ ) letters ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনখন একমাত্ৰ কামৰূপ ৰাজবংশৰ শিলালিপি যি “ব” আৰু “ৱ” আখৰৰ মাজত পাৰ্থক্য কৰে
A. Nidhanpur copperplate inscription
B. Dubi Rock Inscription
C. Nagajari – khanikargaon rock inscription
D. None of these

Ans :- C. Nagajari – khanikargaon rock inscription 


2. Nagajari Khanikargaon rock inscription belongs to :
A. Varman Dynasty
B. Mlechchha Dynasty
C. Pala Dynasty
D. None of these

Ans :- A. Varman Dynasty


3. Which of the following is the earliest epigraphic source discovered in Assam :

নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো অসমত আৱিষ্কৃত প্ৰাচীনতম শিলালিপি
A. Dubi Copper Plate
B. Parbatiya Copper Plate
C. Nidhanpur Copper Plate
D. The Umachal rock inscription

Ans :- D. The Umachal rock inscription


4. Which of the following is NOT related with the varman King BhaskarVarman ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো বৰ্মন ৰজা ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত নহয়
A. Dubi Copper Plate
B. Parbatiya Copper Plate
C. Nidhanpur Copper Plate
D. Nalanda Clay Seals

Ans :- B. Parbatiya Copper Plate


5. Nagajari Khanikargaon rock inscription belongs to :
A. Varman Dynasty
B. Mlechchha Dynasty
C. Pala Dynasty
D. None of these

Ans :- A. Varman Dynasty


6. During BhaskarVarmans reign, the major Industry in Kamarupa was :

ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ শাসন কালত কামৰূপৰ মুখ্য উদ্যোগ আছিল
A. Boat building
B. Arrow making
C. Furniture and cane work
D. Bamboo Industry

Ans :- A. Boat building


7. Which one of the following mentioned items was NOT sent as a gift from Bhaskarvarmana to Harshavardhana ?
A. Paintings
B. Elephants
C. Royal Umbrella
D. Brahmini Ducks

Ans :- B. Elephants


8. Who among the following is regarded as the greatest of all Varman Kings ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনজনক সকলো বৰ্মন ৰজাৰ ভিতৰত সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ বুলি গণ্য কৰা হয়
A. BhaskarVarman
B. Pushya Varman
C. KaruraVarman
D. Narasankar

Ans :- A. BhaskarVarman 


9. During the reign of BhaskarVarman, Who was in charge of the royal treasury of the kingdom ?

ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ শাসনকালত, কোন ৰাজ্যৰ ৰাজকীয় কোষাগাৰৰ দায়িত্বত আছিল
A. Nitipal
B. Ratnapala
C. Hangswaveg
D. Bhandaragaradhikara

Ans :- D. Bhandaragaradhikara


10. Who was the last king of the varman Dynasty :  Or
      The rule of the Varman Dynasty Came to end with the death of :

বৰ্মন ৰাজবংশৰ শেষ ৰজা কোন আছিল
A. MahendraVarman
B. Harjjar Varman
C. BhutiVarman
D. BhaskarVarman

Ans :- D. BhaskarVarman

Complete Assam History Mock Test - 08

History is the study of the past. Events, peoples, cultures and human behaviour are studied by historians.


1 / 10

Nagajari Khanikargaon rock inscription belongs to :

2 / 10

Which of the following is the only kamarupa Dynasty inscription that distinguishes between the B( ব ) and V ( ৱ ) letters ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনখন একমাত্ৰ কামৰূপ ৰাজবংশৰ শিলালিপি যি “ব” আৰু “ৱ” আখৰৰ মাজত পাৰ্থক্য কৰে

3 / 10

Who was the last king of the varman Dynasty :  Or   The rule of the Varman Dynasty Came to end with the death of :

বৰ্মন ৰাজবংশৰ শেষ ৰজা কোন আছিল

4 / 10

During the reign of BhaskarVarman, Who was in charge of the royal treasury of the kingdom ?

ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ শাসনকালত, কোন ৰাজ্যৰ ৰাজকীয় কোষাগাৰৰ দায়িত্বত আছিল

5 / 10

Nagajari Khanikargaon rock inscription belongs to :

6 / 10

Which of the following is the earliest epigraphic source discovered in Assam :

নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো অসমত আৱিষ্কৃত প্ৰাচীনতম শিলালিপি

7 / 10

During BhaskarVarmans reign, the major Industry in Kamarupa was :

ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ শাসন কালত কামৰূপৰ মুখ্য উদ্যোগ আছিল

8 / 10

Which of the following is NOT related with the varman King BhaskarVarman ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো বৰ্মন ৰজা ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত নহয়

9 / 10

Who among the following is regarded as the greatest of all Varman Kings ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনজনক সকলো বৰ্মন ৰজাৰ ভিতৰত সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ বুলি গণ্য কৰা হয়

10 / 10

Which one of the following mentioned items was NOT sent as a gift from Bhaskarvarmana to Harshavardhana ?

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1. Which of the following is the only kamarupa Dynasty inscription that distinguishes between the B(ব) and V ( ৱ ) letters ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনখন একমাত্ৰ কামৰূপ ৰাজবংশৰ শিলালিপি যি “ব” আৰু “ৱ” আখৰৰ মাজত পাৰ্থক্য কৰে
A. Nidhanpur copperplate inscription
B. Dubi Rock Inscription
C. Nagajari – khanikargaon rock inscription
D. None of these

Ans :- C. Nagajari – khanikargaon rock inscription 


2. Nagajari Khanikargaon rock inscription belongs to :
A. Varman Dynasty
B. Mlechchha Dynasty
C. Pala Dynasty
D. None of these

Ans :- A. Varman Dynasty


3. Which of the following is the earliest epigraphic source discovered in Assam :

নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো অসমত আৱিষ্কৃত প্ৰাচীনতম শিলালিপি
A. Dubi Copper Plate
B. Parbatiya Copper Plate
C. Nidhanpur Copper Plate
D. The Umachal rock inscription

Ans :- D. The Umachal rock inscription


4. Which of the following is NOT related with the varman King BhaskarVarman ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনটো বৰ্মন ৰজা ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত নহয়
A. Dubi Copper Plate
B. Parbatiya Copper Plate
C. Nidhanpur Copper Plate
D. Nalanda Clay Seals

Ans :- B. Parbatiya Copper Plate


5. Nagajari Khanikargaon rock inscription belongs to :
A. Varman Dynasty
B. Mlechchha Dynasty
C. Pala Dynasty
D. None of these

Ans :- A. Varman Dynasty


6. During BhaskarVarmans reign, the major Industry in Kamarupa was :

ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ শাসন কালত কামৰূপৰ মুখ্য উদ্যোগ আছিল
A. Boat building
B. Arrow making
C. Furniture and cane work
D. Bamboo Industry

Ans :- A. Boat building


7. Which one of the following mentioned items was NOT sent as a gift from Bhaskarvarmana to Harshavardhana ?
A. Paintings
B. Elephants
C. Royal Umbrella
D. Brahmini Ducks

Ans :- B. Elephants


8. Who among the following is regarded as the greatest of all Varman Kings ?

নিম্নলিখিত কোনজনক সকলো বৰ্মন ৰজাৰ ভিতৰত সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ বুলি গণ্য কৰা হয়
A. BhaskarVarman
B. Pushya Varman
C. KaruraVarman
D. Narasankar

Ans :- A. BhaskarVarman 


9. During the reign of BhaskarVarman, Who was in charge of the royal treasury of the kingdom ?

ভাস্কৰ বৰ্মণৰ শাসনকালত, কোন ৰাজ্যৰ ৰাজকীয় কোষাগাৰৰ দায়িত্বত আছিল
A. Nitipal
B. Ratnapala
C. Hangswaveg
D. Bhandaragaradhikara

Ans :- D. Bhandaragaradhikara


10. Who was the last king of the varman Dynasty :  Or
      The rule of the Varman Dynasty Came to end with the death of :

বৰ্মন ৰাজবংশৰ শেষ ৰজা কোন আছিল
A. MahendraVarman
B. Harjjar Varman
C. BhutiVarman
D. BhaskarVarman

Ans :- D. BhaskarVarman

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