Indian Geography In Assamese MCQ ভাৰতীয় ভূগোল [FREE PDF Download]

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Indian Geography in Assamese Language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Quiz With Free PDF Download for State and UPSC Civil Services Examinations. Objective Questions on Indian Geography for competitive examinations.


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1. Which City is known as the Manchester of India ?

ভাৰতৰ মানচেষ্টাৰ নামেৰে কোনখন চিটি জনাজাত ?
a) Coimbatore
b) Ahmedabad
c) Mumbai
d) Kolkata

Ans :- b) Ahmedabad


2. Sriharikota is situated in which of the following states ?

শ্ৰীহৰিকোটা তলৰ কোনখন ৰাজ্যত অৱস্থিত ?
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Kerala
c) Karnataka
d) Andhra Pradesh

Ans :- d) Andhra Pradesh


3. The Rameswaram island is separated from the main land of India by the Channel ?

ৰামেশ্বৰম দ্বীপটো ভাৰতৰ মূল ভূখণ্ডৰ পৰা কোনটো চেনেলৰ দ্বাৰা পৃথক কৰা হৈছে ?
a) Palk
b) Pamban
c) Gibraltar
d) Marinar

Ans:- b) Pamban


4. The Highest Mountain peak in South India is –

দক্ষিণ ভাৰতৰ সৰ্বোচ্চ পৰ্বতৰ শৃংগটো হ’ল –
a) Doddabetta (Ooty)
b) Anamudi
c) Godwin Austen
d) Nanda devi

Ans:- b) Anamudi


5. __________is called the Asiatic Italy.

__________ক এছিয়াটিক ইটালী বোলা হয়।
a) Myanmar
b) India
c) Sri Lanka
d) Pakistan

Ans:- b) India

Indian Geography Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Quiz

6. Which city is called the “Electronic City” ?

কোনখন চহৰক “ইলেক্ট্ৰনিক চিটি” বুলি কোৱা হয় ?
a) Mumbai
b) Bangalore
c) Varanasi
d) Kolkata

Ans :- b) Bangalore


7. Sahyadri ranges refer to –

সহ্যাদ্ৰি ৰেঞ্জসমূহে বুজায় –
a) Shiwaliks
b) Eastern Ghats
c) Western Ghats
d) Satpura Ranges

Ans :- c) Western Ghats


8. Aravalli ranges are an example of –

আৰাভালি ৰেঞ্জসমূহ এটা উদাহৰণ –
a) Straight Mountain
b) Block Mountain
c) Residual and Fold Mountain
d) Volcanic Mountain

Ans:- c) Residual and Fold Mountain


9. The Konkan coast stretches between –

কংকন উপকূলৰ মাজত বিস্তৃত হৈ আছে –
a) Goa to Cochin
b) Goa to Mumbai
c) Maharashtra to South Karnataka
d) Goa to Diu

Ans :- c) Maharashtra to South Karnataka


10. The River basin which is called “Ruhr of India” is –

“ভাৰতৰ ৰুহৰ” বুলি কোৱা নদী অৱবাহিকাটো হ’ল –
a) Damodar
b) Hooghly
c) Suvarna Reka
d) Godavari

Ans :- a) Damodar


11. Find the incorrectly matched pair state leading producer of –

ভুলকৈ মিল থকা যোৰটো বিচাৰি উলিয়াওক –
a) Assam – Rubber
b) Andhra Pradesh – Tobacco
c) Gujarat- Groundnut
d) Kerala- Coconut

Ans :- a) Assam – Rubber


12. Which river is called Bengal’s Sorrow ?

কোনখন নদীক বংগৰ দুখ বুলি কোৱা হয় ?
a) Yamuna
b) Damodhar
c) Narmada
d) Tapti

Ans :- b) Damodhar


13. Which place receives maximum solar energy in December ?

ডিচেম্বৰ মাহত কোনখন ঠাইতে সৰ্বাধিক সৌৰশক্তি লাভ কৰে ?
a) Kolkata
b) Delhi
c) Amritsar
d) Chennai

Ans :- d) Chennai 


14. Which state possess three major ports in India out of the 12 major ports ?

ভাৰতৰ ১২টা প্ৰধান বন্দৰৰ ভিতৰত কোনখন ৰাজ্যৰ তিনিটা প্ৰধান বন্দৰ আছে ?
a) Orissa
b) Andhra Pradesh
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Gujarat

Ans :- c) Tamil Nadu


15. The Chief Indian News Print manufacturing mill is at –

মুখ্য ভাৰতীয় বাতৰি প্ৰিন্ট প্ৰস্তুতকাৰী মিলটো হৈছে –
a) Bangalore
b) Dehradun
c) Nepanagar
d) Indore

Ans:- c) Nepanagar

Indian Geography Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 

16. Which of the following is the important cotton producing area in India ?

ভাৰতৰ ভিতৰত কোনটো গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কপাহ উৎপাদন কৰা ক্ষেত্ৰ ?
a) Ganges Plain
b) Deccan trap
c) Damodar Valley
d) Yamuna Valley

Ans :- b) Deccan trap


17. The most important means of irrigation in Deccan India is –

ডেক্কান ভাৰতত জলসিঞ্চনৰ আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ উপায় হ’ল –
a) Well
b) Canal
c) Tank
d) Tube-well

Ans :- c) Tank


18. Where is Bongaigaon ? What is it famous for ?

বঙাইগাঁও ক’ত ? কিহৰ বাবে বিখ্যাত ?
a) U.P famous for sugarcane cultivation
b) M.P famous for rock temple
c) Assam famous for refinery
d) West Bengal famous for wild life

Ans :- c) Assam famous for refinery


19. Amarkantak an important Peninsular river (as well a town), is in the sate of-

Amarkantak এটা গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ উপদ্বীপীয় নদী (লগতে এটা চহৰ), sate of-
a) Gujarat
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Maharashtra
d) Rajasthan

Ans :- b) Madhya Pradesh


20. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ?

তলৰ কোনটো যোৰৰ সৈতে সঠিকভাৱে মিল নাই ?
a) Kakrapara- Gujarat
b) Hirakud-Orissa
c)Mettur-Tamil Nadu
d) Tungabadhra-Maharashtra

Ans :- d) Tungabadhra-Maharashtra


21. Which one of following pairs is correctly matched ?

তলৰ কোনটো যোৰৰ সঠিক মিল আছে ?
a) Hirakud-Atomic power
b) Khetri-Manganese
c) Balaghat-Iron ore
d) Ankleshwar-Oil field

Ans :- d) Ankleshwar-Oil field


22. Burnpur and Kulti are centres of

বাৰ্ণপুৰ আৰু কুলটিৰ কেন্দ্ৰবিন্দু
a) Aluminium industry
b) Iron & Steel industry
c) Coal mining
d) Copper mining

Ans :- b) Iron & Steel industry


23. Bhilai steel industry was started with the help of-

ভিলাই তীখা উদ্যোগৰ সহায়ত আৰম্ভ কৰা হৈছিল-
a) UK
b) West Germany
c) U.S.S.R
d) U.S.A

Ans :- c) U.S.S.R


24. Which one of the following states ranks first in the production of sugarcane ?

তলৰ কোনখন ৰাজ্যই চুপাৰি উৎপাদনত প্ৰথম স্থান লাভ কৰিছে ?
a) Karnataka
b) Uttar Pradesh
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Maharshtra

Ans :- b) Uttar Pradesh 


25. Which one of the following industries are developed only after independence ?

স্বাধীনতাৰ পিছতহে তলত উল্লেখ কৰা উদ্যোগসমূহৰ ভিতৰত কোনটো উদ্যোগৰ বিকাশ হয় ?
a) Cement, Sugar Industries
b) Cotton and Jute mills
c) Heavy engineering and Chemical
d) None of these

Ans:- c) Heavy engineering and Chemical


Indian Geography MCQ PDF Download

More Additional Question Answer (Indian Geography) 

1. Which of the following geographical term related to the ”piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water”?

A. Peninsula

B. Gulf

C. Strait

D. Island

Ans: D

Explanation: The term that is related to the ”piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water” is an island.

2. Which of the following geographical term related to a body of land surrounded by water on three sides?

A. Peninsula

B. Gulf

C. Strait

D. Island

Ans: A

Explanation: The Peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides. They are formed through a gradual rise in water level, surrounding land at low elevations.

3. Which of the following geographical term related to a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water?

A. Peninsula

B. Gulf

C. Strait

D. Island

Ans: C

Explanation: A Strait is a geographical term related to a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water.

4. Which of the following is a suitable definition of ‘Archipelago’?

A. A circular coral reef that encloses a shallow lagoon.

B. A chain or set of islands grouped together.

C. The plant and animal life on the earth.

D. None of the above

Ans: B

Explanation: An ‘archipelago’ is a group of islands closely scattered in a body of water. Sometimes also known as island group or island chain.

5. Which of the following is the largest Archipelago in the world?

A. Andaman & Nicobar Island

B. Malaysia

C. Indonesia

D. Maldives

Ans: C

Explanation: Indonesia is the largest Archipelago in the world.

Geography Questions and Answers 

6. Which of the following is the world’s largest peninsula?

A. India

B. South Africa

C. Arabia

D. Both A & B

Ans: C

Explanation:  Arabia is the world’s largest peninsula. It has 5 major it stretches over 1,250,006 square miles. It connects the mainland Asian continent and is surrounded on all sides by the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, and the Red Sea.

7. Which of the following passes cuts through the Pir Panjal range and links Manali and Leh by road?

A. Rohtas Pass

B. Mana Pass

C. Niti Pass

D. Nathula Pass

Ans: A

Explanation: Rohtas Pass cuts through the Pir Panjal range and links Manali and Leh by road.

8. Which of the following pass has been created by the Indus River?

A. Rohtas Pass

B. Nathula Pass

C. Baralachala Pass

D. Banihal Pass

Ans: D

Explanation:  Banihal Pass has been created by the Indus River. It is a narrow pass between two mountains generated by a water body. It is located in the Pirpanjal ranges of Jammu and Kashmir.

9. Which passes make way to the land route between Kailash and the Manasarovar?

A. Mana Pass

B. Rohtas Pass

C. Nathula Pass

D. Baralachala Pass

Ans: A

Explanation: Mana Pass makes way to the land route between Kailash and the Manasarovar.

10. Which of the following passes link Srinagar to Leh?

A. Mana Pass

B. Rohtas Pass

C. Nathula Pass

D. Zoji La Pass

Ans: D

Explanation: Zoji La Pass link Srinagar to Leh.

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