Important Antonyms for Assam Competitive Exams-SET 01

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English Grammar

Important Antonyms for Assam Competitive Exams

Important Antonyms for Assam Competitive Exams-SET 01. As we understand that English has come to be a global language. Apart from this, English is required to crack the Bank exam, UPSC exam, SSC exam, etc., even if it is a CBT-written examination or interview. Therefore, English language/General English is introduced as a subject/section in the Government exam. The goal of the General English situation is to take a look at the primary appreciation of the candidate, right grammar utilization of the English language, vocabulary usage, and writing capacity in the aggressive exam.

আমি বুজি পোৱাৰ দৰে ইংৰাজী এটা বিশ্বব্যাপী ভাষালৈ আহিছে। ইয়াৰ বাহিৰেও বেংকৰ পৰীক্ষা, ইউ পি এছ চি পৰীক্ষা, এছ এছ চি পৰীক্ষা আদিত ইংৰাজী ক্ৰেক কৰিব লাগিব, যদিও সেয়া চিবিটি লিখা পৰীক্ষা বা সাক্ষাৎকাৰ হ’লেও। সেয়ে চৰকাৰী পৰীক্ষাত ইংৰাজী ভাষা/সাধাৰণ ইংৰাজী বিষয়/ধাৰা হিচাপে প্ৰৱৰ্তন কৰা হয়। সাধাৰণ ইংৰাজী পৰিস্থিতিৰ লক্ষ্য হৈছে প্ৰাৰ্থীৰ প্ৰাথমিক প্ৰশংসা, ইংৰাজী ভাষাৰ সঠিক ব্যাকৰণৰ ব্যৱহাৰ, শব্দভাণ্ডাৰৰ ব্যৱহাৰ, আৰু আক্ৰমণাত্মক পৰীক্ষাত লিখাৰ ক্ষমতাৰ ওপৰত চকু ফুৰা।

Here, I am providing General English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams, which are frequently asked in reputed competitive exams. In this blog, you can get English language questions of various English topics such as Tenses, Verb, Propositions, Common errors, Word correction, Sentence Completion, Synonyms and Antonyms, Passive Voice, Prefix and suffix, etc. So, candidates must solve Important General English Questions given here for their best practice.

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1. Able – Unable

2. Acknowledge – Deny, Disown

3. Allow – forbid

4. Arrive – Depart

5. Attract – Repel

6. Awake – Asleep

7. Belief – Doubt

8. Believe -Disbelieve

9. Broad – Narrow

10. Bravery – Cowardice

11. Cheerful – Gloomy

12. Dawn – Dusk

13. Dwarf – Giant

14. Exclude – Include

15. Fortune – Misfortune

16. Foreign – Native

17. Frequent – Rare

18. Gain(n) – Loss

19. Gain (v) – Lose

20. Gentle – Rough

21. Guilty – Innocent

22. Gradual – Sudden

23. Harsh – Gentle

24. Honour – Shame

25. Idle – Busy

26. Inferior – Superior

27. Join – Disjoin

28. Kind – Cruel, Unkind

29. Later – Earlier

30. Latter – Former

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